Extra Space Asia Partners Promisedland Community Services for a Jolly Day of Fun

An ExtraSpaceCares initiative
For many, December marks a time of celebration and relaxation, as it’s the last month of the year, and a well-deserved break is due. The month of December also plays host to Christmas – a festive holiday that is loved and enjoyed by people from all walks of life.
For this year’s Christmas, Extra Space Asia has partnered with Promisedland Community Services, and has brought the children and youth from their program for a fun day out at Mandai River Wonders!
Founded back in 2002, PromisedLand Community Services is dedicated to providing help and social service to cancer patients, patients will life-long blood illnesses, needy families, children and youths. The organization has helped many along the years, and Extra Space Asia is honoured to be able to partner them, champions of a noble cause.
It was a day of fun and laughter, as the employees from Extra Space Asia paired up with the kids from PromisedLand Community Services, where each team was given a set of questionnaires to solve, and the answers could be found across River Wonders! For some, it was their first time there and they simply could not hide their awe and amazement in the face of the majestic sea creatures.
The highlight of the day was definitely Singapore’s favourite Giant Pandas, Jia Jia and Kai Kai. Unfortunately, we could only catch a glimpse of Jia Jia who was taking a nap by his enclosure’s pool, whereas Kai Kai and Le Le was inside their own habitat – sleeping as well.
The Giant River Otters were also a popular attraction, with many crowding over their enclosure. Fun fact: Extra Space Asia is a proud sponsor and adopter of the Giant River Otters in River Wonders! The company has long been a strong supporter and believer of wildlife conservation.
We were also treated to a boat tour, where we could witness the various wildlife in their natural habitat up-close, such as flamingos, anteaters, jaguars, to name a few!
We ended the day with a gift bag for every kid and youth who joined us for the day, and as always, a mandatory group shot and it’s a wrap! We hope they have had as much fun as we did, for we sure did have an amazing time!
Merry Christmas to all.
Image: Team pairings for the day!
Image: Team 2 posing at an attraction
Image: What fish is that? Let’s take a read!
Image: Team 5 with Jia Jia and Kai Kai!
Image: Start of the boat tour
Image: Otter enclosure
Image: Silhouette of happy kids
Image: Resting after a long walk